During the summer of 2010, I was diagnosed with Osteochondritis dissecans, a disorder in which the cartilage comes loose from the bone, in my left elbow as a result of overuse of the joint. I was informed by my Doctor only 30% of all gymnasts who develop this injury return to the sport. The injury required surgery, which I had the following September at CHOP, the Children’s Hospital Of Philadelphia. The micro-fracture surgery was successful but required a long recovery period and many hours of physical therapy.
During my two years out of the sport, I remained committed to my therapy with Brandi Smith-Young. Slowly my elbow began to heal. Brandi gave me many great exercises and stretches that strengthened my core, shoulder blades and arm, taught me to use the correct muscles in my body, and how to load my elbow correctly. I gradually began to work out with my team again and bear weight on my elbow, while continuing my therapy. I learned healthier body posture, correct arm positioning, proper stretches, and overall exercises that benefited my entire body. The following year I returned to gymnastics as a level 9 and qualified to J.O. Nationals. I am very grateful for all the wonderful professionals I worked with that helped me get through this recovery and especially Brandi for her expert guidance. Thanks to Brandi I am back to gymnastics.