PERFECT 10.0 Tips to Keep Your
Optional Healthy This Season
By Brandi Smith- Young, PT
Perfect 10.0 Physical Therapy
Always finish a workout with light cardiovascular or callisthenic cool down 5-10 minutes.
Within 30 minutes of completion of workout make sure to get in a recovery meal or shake with balance of protein, fat, and antioxidants. A simple portable recovery drink perfect for the picky young athlete is a portable chocolate milk.
For the exact recommended recovery drink use the below formulas:
Calories= 1.45 kcal x weight in lbs
Whey Protein = 0.09 g x weight in lbs
Leucine = 0.012 g x weight in lbs
Glutamine = 0.02 g x weight in lbs
Vitamin C = 0.7 mg x weight in lbs
Vitamin E = 2.35 IU x weight in lbs
*Gatorade mixed with whey protein is approximately equal to the above formula.
Info from Dr. Bill Sand presented in “Recovery and Feeling Better” at USA Gymnastics National Congress 2009. Modified from Ivy and Portman (2004) Nutrient Timing. Basic Health Publishing Co.
Another great recovery drink is Advocare Post-Workout Recovery Drink.
Ice sore muscles on the car ride home. When your athletes gets home massage sore muscles by hand, using a foam roll or the sprinter stick ( Take a warm Epsom salt bath.